Cycle Awareness Mapping with Emily 



Discover the power of MCA Mapping
to gain insights into yourself and forge deeper connections, paving the way for personal growth.

Get equipped with tools to understand your needs and embrace new directions for cycle awareness and alignment.

Alignment and Curiosity

Harness the monthly cycle's
energy to ignite curiosity and alignment within yourself.


Personal Journey

Embark on a journey of mapping, curiosity, and exploration, uncovering key insights along the way.

You can Expect: Self reflection & awareness, Daily practices  & resources, Educational content, Support, Personal growth, Compassion and Understanding all
tailored to your specifics.

28 days of  1:1 Coaching 

This Course Includes 

Pre Mapping Client Assessment. 
Two 60 minute Coaching Consultations.
MCA Mapping Workbook. 
Weekly check-ins/Voice note support and communication.
Detailed Session notes and Client Summary, Including follow up tasks and resources.  

find your flow 

how we

Menstrual cycle coaching provides you with a personalised guide to understanding and embrace each phase of your cycle.




Our preliminary mapping assessment involves getting acquainted with you to determine if our services align with your needs. This process includes a consultation call and evaluation.

Our consultations consist of two 60-minute comprehensive sessions with me, conducted either online or in person, utilizing your personalized cycle map tailored specifically to your needs.

You will receive a customized summary plan that covers all the topics we discussed during our time together, along with further learning opportunities and recommendations for moving forward.



Frequently Asked Questions

 What is menstrual cycle awareness mapping?

Menstrual cycle awareness mapping is a holistic approach to understanding and leveraging the phases of your menstrual cycle for personal growth and well-being. It involves tracking physical, emotional, and energetic changes across the menstrual cycle to optimize productivity, creativity, and overall health.


How can menstrual cycle awareness benefit me? 

Becoming aware of your menstrual cycle can empower you to harness your natural rhythms for improved productivity, creativity, and overall well-being. It helps you understand when you are most energetic when to schedule tasks that require focus, and when to prioritize self-care. Understanding your monthly rhythm can help promote better pain management and offer you invaluable lightbulb moments.


 Do I need to have a regular menstrual cycle to benefit from this coaching?

No, you don't need to have a regular cycle. This coaching can help you understand and navigate your unique cycle, whether it's regular or irregular. The focus is on developing awareness and strategies tailored to your individual experiences. If you do not have a consistent regular cycle and would like to delve into this further please get in touch. 


 Is menstrual cycle coaching suitable for everyone?

Yes, menstrual cycle coaching is beneficial for anyone who menstruates, regardless of age or life stage. Whether you're navigating menstrual health concerns, aiming to optimize productivity, or seeking to deepen your connection with your body, this coaching can provide valuable insights and tools.


Can menstrual cycle awareness help with menstrual-related symptoms? 

Yes, understanding your menstrual cycle can help you anticipate and manage symptoms such as cramps, fatigue, and mood changes. Through coaching, you'll explore natural remedies, lifestyle adjustments, and self-care practices that can alleviate symptoms and improve your overall experience.


How often should I track my menstrual cycle for effective coaching?

It's recommended to track your menstrual cycle daily or as frequently as possible to gather accurate data. This information will help identify patterns and trends that can guide your coaching sessions and personal development goals. 


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